The equation of happiness

This equation is a working progress and reflects my personal view of the world. People with different views/priorities might disagree.

I thank Naval Ravikant for the inspiration.

Note to self: as long as I increase any variable I increase my happiness

Happy Life = Health + Wealth + Meaning + Wisdom + Good relationships

Health = Exercise + Diet + Sleep

Wealth = Savings + Investments + Assets

Meaning = Working on hard problems + Craftmanship

Wisdom = Knowledge + Experience + Tranquility

Good Relationships = Loyalty + Shared Values (not necessarily ideas) + Mutual Growth

Exercise = High Intensity Training + Cardio + Regularity

Diet = Natural Foods + Occasional Fasting + Plants

Sleep = 7-9 Hourse of Sleep + Circadian Rhythm

Savings = 10-20% Monthly Income * ROI

Investments = 10-20% Monthly Income * ROI

Assets = Estate Property + Intellectual Property + Skills

Working on hard problems = Stretching my mental abilities to achieve a state of flow

Knowledge = Books + Lateral Thinking + Intellectual Curiosity

Experience = Travel + Friends + Get out of comfort zone

Tranquility = Self-control + Introspection + Perspective